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Writer's pictureforestally1

Bean Ridge Newsletter

It has recently been pointed out that that the attached Bean Ridge Newsletter, a pamphlet produced to promote the Bean Ridge Project project that includes nearly 3,000 acres of industrial logging in Alexander County, was removed from the USDA Forest Service Shawnee National Forest website. Please note on pages 10 and 11 not only how this project was linked to the "Healthy Forest Restoration Act" initiatives and to the renown "Farm Bill" subsidies, but also how its classification as a Categorical Exclusion (bypassing a significant amount of public input and scientific scrutiny under the National Environmental Policy Act of 1970) enables the agency to fast-track projects involving commercial logging operations such as Bean Ridge. The newsletter points to the fact that the USDA Forest Service Chief had designated 116,873 acres of the Shawnee National Forest as eligible for Categorical Exclusions (p. 11), helping to accomodate possible future agency sponsored industrial logging operations on more than 1/3 of the Shawnee's forest!

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